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Sales Emails That Captivate Property Management Leads

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Sales Emails That Captivate Property Management Leads

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Selling is a little bit harder than it usually is right now—so we thought we'd share some email subject lines that get clicks, and the psychology behind it. A good sales email as part of your property management tools should move your prospect through the funnel right to your salesperson to close the deal.

For someone who is just looking for information at the top of the funnel, the subject lines should be different than for someone nearing the bottom of the funnel who is getting ready to convert. Let's break down some good email subject lines by buyer's journey stages so you can correctly target your property management leads.

Top of the Funnel (TOFU): Awareness

At the top of the funnel is the awareness stage. Think of it like this:

  • A DIY landlord goes to the internet and types into Google "What to do when a tenant can't pay the rent."
  • Google will take into consideration the location as well as the search behaviors of the user and bring that landlord the most relevant results.
  • If you've been practicing inbound marketing and have a blog that touches on that subject ranking high, the user is likely to find their way to your website where they discover they have a bigger problem.
  • Ultimately, your new lead realizes they don't want to be a DIY landlord anymore because this is stressing them out.
Closeup portrait young attractive woman with blue glasses peering above frames, flirting with you, isolated blue-gray background. Positive emotion facial expression feelings, attitude, body language

This is the awareness stage. At this point in the buyer's journey, your reader has just discovered they have a problem—and now they are going to do some research to learn more about how they can solve it. It is at this point it might be helpful to have a popup let your reader know that you're here to help them continue to be a DIY landlord and to sign up for helpful tips.

From there, these email subject lines should get some clicks:

  • Is tree trimming a landlord's responsibility or a tenant's responsibility?
  • Do you know how to spot troublesome tenants?
  • When was the last time you checked your gutters?

Include helpful information in your email and follow up with a reminder using property management automation that you're there to help should they need a break.

Middle of the Funnel (MOFU): Consideration

Property management leads in the middle of the funnel know they have an issue: they need a property manager to make their life easier as a landlord. They've done some research and have identified a few companies in the area that look promising. This is the consideration stage—and your prospects are considering which company is going to be the right fit for them.

At this point, the prospect will probably start digging a little deeper. They'll want to read your 'About Us' page on your property management website to learn more about the company itself. They'll check your pricing page and any other resources you have available such as deep dives into services and FAQs. As an aside, this is where having lead scoring comes in handy!

When you have a prospect in the MOFU stage, these are the types of subject lines you should be sending:

  • Learn about our service guarantees!
  • Our tenants stay on average "x" years
  • What sets us apart from other (area) property managers?

Thee subject lines should hint at service-based information inside that they can click for some compelling evidence that will make their selection easier.

Talk about what sets you apart, your guarantees if you have them, and anything that might make your company unique, such as higher than average renewal rates or a very high percentage of rent collected on time. This is a great opportunity to use your unique value proposition here.

Businessman drinking coffee and reading news in cafe

Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU): Decision

In this stage, your property management leads have put you on their shortlist—and it is time to close the deal. By this time, they've been to your website numerous times and viewed many pages. They're receptive and ready for 'the ask.' When you have leads in the BOFU stage, your email subject lines should look like this:

  • (Name) do you have a minute to chat?
  • Hi (Name), let's get something scheduled!
  • Get your property leased in "x" days—just give me a call!

In these subject lines, you are asking for the prospect's time; you want to get on the phone with them knowing that once you do, making the sale is that much easier. Include meeting links and tools that make it easy for your prospect to contact you on their terms when the time is right for them and remove that barrier to entry for them.

These are only a few subject lines and email suggestions that we use here at Geekly Media for our clients. We build email drips that are designed for property management automation and target them at the right point in time to help you convert more of your property management leads without having to lift a finger.

Emails are just one tool in your arsenal for remote sales when adapting your property management business to face COVID-19 head-on. If you're interested in other useful strategies that can help you rise to the top during this time, download your free copy of our Business Development Handbook for Selling During Social Distancing!

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