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Achieving Effective Property Management Marketing Strategies: Key Steps

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Achieving Effective Property Management Marketing Strategies: Key Steps

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There is more than one type of marketing strategy out there, but you're probably familiar with at least two:

  • The carefully planned, strategic marketing strategy with data-driven decisions
  • The "impulse marketing" strategy driven by "random acts of marketing."

As you can probably guess, one of these strategies is better for your bottom line than the other.

At Geekly Media, we know that flexibility is crucial when your current strategies aren't yielding results. However, adaptability is completely different than taking the randomized approach.

A successful, ongoing property management marketing strategy needs to be adaptive but focused for the best results. Here are some steps to help you build an agile strategy that gets real results long term.
remember to always plan ahead on chalkboard

1. Figure out Who You Are

Take some time to get to know your business—really!

  • Sign in to your Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts and take a look around.
  • Don't have them? Set them up before you go any further as the data from these is invaluable for tracking your progress.
  • If you do have these accounts, start benchmarking where you are—then set SMART goals for where you need to be in the future to meet your growth objectives.
  • Take note of your impression rates, click-through rates, trending keywords, and other property management marketing metrics to enhance your understanding of where you are now.

2. Figure out Where You Are Going

Ultimately, if you have a revenue goal, you can:

  • Work backward from that goal to the number of clients you need to meet it
  • Follow your client numbers to the leads you need to sustain those figures
  • Discover the number of visitors your website needs to produce those leads.

How far are you from where you need to be?

You may not be able to hit your initial goals in the first year if they aren't SMART goals, so take the time to set goals that are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Timely.

Maybe your initial goal is to grow your organic traffic by 20% in the first year of your new marketing plan through a combination of inbound marketing and paid ads. The more exact your goal is, the easier it will be to measure your progress towards meeting that goal and laying out the plan to get you there.

Portrait of a confident black businesswoman at work in her glass office

3. Plot the Path to Get There

It's time to build a road map from your SMART goals!

  • Using our previous example, if your goal is to grow your organic traffic by 20%, start by analyzing the sources of traffic you have.
  • An in-depth look at your sources can lead to easy improvements that translate into quick wins.
  • Don't be afraid to reallocate your efforts towards whichever property management marketing components are yielding tangible results.

For example, if you see promising traffic to your blog, one strategy would be to double or even triple your blog posts to drive more of that traffic. Track your bounce rate, time spent on your pages, and conversion rate before and after changes to determine whether increasing blog posts is moving you toward your objective.

  • If your goal is to increase conversions, you may want to add more content offers and other valuable conversion opportunities for visitors to remove barriers.
  • Additionally, if your traffic is already strong, but you do not see the conversion rates you need, consider whether your bounce rate is high. If it is, that traffic just might not be the right traffic for you!
  • Work on getting qualified visitors first—then focus on increasing your conversions.

To draw in more qualified traffic, you'll want to be sure you are being found with the right keywords. The right keywords signal a user's intent to buy. Keywords are a crucial component of SEO, so if you're not familiar with keyword research, now is a great time to learn! Google is definitely not going away any time soon.

Ultimately, your strategy needs to be based on SMART goals—or it will devolve into more random acts of marketing. While you might get lucky now and then with that strategy, taking the time to make measured changes with documented results is how you are going to meet your goals.

4. Measure Results and Create New Goals

An ongoing marketing strategy should include the acknowledgment that you will need to set aside dedicated time in the future at regular intervals to reassess your success, set new goals, and continuously be mindful of your marketing. This serves to keep it from going off the rails or becoming neglected.

Neglecting your marketing is the easiest way for your hard work to quickly go to waste if you haven't taken the time to build sustainable traffic to your website. Results take time—but once you get the flywheel going, it is easier to keep your momentum.

If you need help getting your marketing momentum started, Geekly Media is here to help! We specialize in creating sustainable, long-term traffic that helps you meet and exceed your marketing goals. If you're not sure where you plan to grow, we can help you define your goals with a custom plan for you!

Once a plan is in motion, count on Geekly Media to continuously measure and report on our progress as a team: your success is our success! How can we help you? We'd love to get to know more about you and your property management marketing needs!

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