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Top Strategies for Website Design Best Practices

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Top Strategies for Website Design Best Practices

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While the importance of having a website in the digital era cannot be overstated, the right plan can help you construct an engaging and visually pleasing website. A high-conversion website must have elements that sync your brand, a functional design, and support your inbound marketing strategy. This means that how the site is built, interacts with clients, and conveys your company's message must be part of your plan!

Today we talk through various website design best practices to consider when planning the structure of a successful website design.

The Importance of a Well-Designed and SEO-Friendly Website

Search engine optimization (SEO) is essential if you have a business website, no matter your industry or business size. 

With the right SEO strategies and implementation, you can help more people reach your website and, inevitably, purchase your product or service. Consequently, optimization for search engines is an investment in your website's discoverability and your company's financial success. 

Furthermore, having the optimal web design can help you rank higher on search engine result pages (SERPs) and ensure you're able to engage your visitors, and help them develop a sense of trust in your brand. 

How a High-Conversion Website Can Help Small Businesses 

Small business owners need a well-crafted site design to attract customers, keep them engaged, and turn them into buyers. While the site's visual appeal is important, the functionality and ability to help visitors find the information they need and connect with your team for sales (i.e., become converted leads) are much more telling of its success. 

Developing programming and coding technologies

Your site's conversion rate is proportional to the percentage of site visits. Your company's bottom line will thank you for structuring your website to optimize the conversation rate. However, without the proper methods in place, a website will not convert. 

How to Create a High-Conversion Website

So, how can you build a high-conversion website? You need the right web design services and insights! Here are some of the website design best practices you should follow.

Create the Right Buyer Personas

Develop buyer personas to understand your target audience better and craft a message that speaks directly to their interests. As a marketing tool, buyer personas allow businesses to narrow their focus by highlighting the unique characteristics of prospective customers within a certain demographic. 

Understand and Optimize the Buyer's Journey

The buyer's journey encompasses the whole process, from awareness of the need to the final purchase decision. Prospective buyers begin their trip by looking for answers to common problems. After that, every element on your website should help the visitor progress to the next step in the buyer journey and ultimately make a purchase.

Build the Sitemap

Making your website more user-friendly may be as easy as adding a sitemap. A sitemap is a useful tool that lays out the basic framework for a website and indicates which sections need to be prioritized.

Consider the following guidelines as you create the foundation of your sitemap:

  • The About Us Page
  • Team or Company Members
  • Mission, Company Vision, and Values
  • Product or Services
  • Pricing
  • Blog
  • The Contact Us Page

A well-structured site map helps more visitors find your website. 

Create High-Quality and Helpful Content

If the website's text is uninteresting and irrelevant, it won't matter how well it's designed; the user will leave without taking the desired action. Therefore, the content strategy is critical to the overall success of your website.

The term "content" encompasses not just written material but also visuals like photographs, films, and infographics that are useful to the audience. Moreover, it's crucial to ensure the language is coherent, understandable, and helpful to help search engines prioritize your site and content for users. 

Ensure Every Web Page Covers Important Information

To increase conversions, most web pages should function as landing pages, communicating a single, concise message and action steps to website visitors who arrive. By keeping this in mind when you design your site, you'll be able to create content that people will look to when seeking information in your area of service or expertise. 

Cheerful African man using computer and smiling while sitting on the chair

Keep Tracking and Improving

Effective and straightforward website architecture is more than just domains and links; it also considers the user's journey and the site's aesthetics. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain ongoing tracking, reporting, and analysis of your website's performance to make improvements for better conversion rates.  

Hire a HubSpot Diamond Partner to Apply Website Design Best Practices

For businesses to succeed in this digital era, it's crucial to have a well-designed website that helps generate and convert leads. At Geekly Media, we offer comprehensive website services to help you achieve your goals. Speak to a Geek to learn more about our professional web design services!

Support your well-designed website with the right inbound marketing strategy! Download our free "Inbound Marketing Starter Kit."

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