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Set-Up Success: A HubSpot Onboarding Checklist

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Set-Up Success: A HubSpot Onboarding Checklist

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With more than 143,689 total customers in 2022, HubSpot has grown into a significant CRM contender, thanks to the addition of new and useful functionalities and services throughout the years. While this is extremely beneficial for sales, SEO, and social media, it's easy to get buried in the details without a solid onboarding strategy. 

However, if all goes according to plan, you will be well-equipped to take on your KPIs and long-term goals).

With a HubSpot onboarding checklist on your side, all that prep work will pay off. So keep reading for a practical checklist to help you get started on the right foot, whether you're a startup or a medium-sized firm.

What Is HubSpot Onboarding?

HubSpot's onboarding services will help you every step of the way. It's a process and strategy for using HubSpot's capabilities to achieve crucial goals faster.

For example, with HubSpot Marketing Hub Onboarding, your team can receive technical and strategic help to complete your HubSpot setup and use Marketing Hub to increase traffic, convert leads, and meet your marketing objectives. In addition, your onboarding approach can be tailored to your company's software and goals.

Creating a HubSpot Onboarding Checklist

HubSpot Onboarding services may differ depending on the company providing them. However, specific functions must remain the same (no matter how you approach onboarding) to ensure you get everything you need from the CRM. Here are a few crucial items that must be part of your onboarding process. 

1. Create a HubSpot Account

To begin, the first step is setting up your HubSpot account! Once you've created your HubSpot account and received your company's login credentials, you can start migrating data to the platform.

When you're ready to tackle this important phase, have a plan for how you'll sort through your files and contacts as soon as they're entered into the system. You'll improve the ongoing use of the system (and user experience) if the initial data and naming standards are planned carefully.

2. Set-Up CRM Tools To Set and Meet Your Goals

The next phase in the HubSpot setup process is to identify the projects you need to complete and the actions you need to take to achieve your objectives via the platform. Your account will not be completely operational until this step is completed.

Business Customer CRM Management Analysis Service Concept

When deciding on the best Hubs for your company, you should consider how they fit into your CRM strategy as a whole. Hence, to make the most of the HubSpot hubs, you need to set up CRM tools, which include:

  • Sales Pipelines
  • Messages
  • Sequences
  • Documents

Remember: setting things up properly initially helps you maximize your experience with the CRM. 

3. Define Your Marketing and Sales Handoff Process

The lead handoff procedure is one of the most significant barriers for any firm looking to expand its sales funnel. The marketing and sales handoff process entails rapidly delivering qualified leads from the marketing team to sales reps so leads can be qualified, nurtured, and converted into customers. 

Using the HubSpot CRM helps streamline this process, but it's essential to define and plan your marketing and sales handoff process to ensure you can make the most from every lead.

4. Set Up Marketing Tools Through Marketing Hub

Marketing Hub is your resource for optimizing campaigns and applying automations to engage customers throughout the buyer's journey. By using marketing tools appropriately, your team will be able to monitor the key performance indicators that verify the value of your inbound marketing efforts. 

These tools include:

  • Landing Page Templates
  • Email Templates
  • Lists
  • Workflows
  • CTAs
  • Forms
  • Campaigns
  • Personas

Your onboarding process must include correctly applying these resources within the CRM to help you reach more leads and customers!

5. Build Your First Campaign

After setting up sales and marketing applications, HubSpot's tools can help you identify your ideal customer, build customer lifecycles, and predict your company's growth, all while staying compliant with search engine optimization best practices.

Tracking metrics and learning about marketing efforts that work to build your business (and what doesn't work) is easier with HubSpot. Start by creating a campaign utilizing multiple resources, like blogs, emails, paid ads, and landing pages, and incorporate related HubSpot features while developing your first campaign.

6. Create an Automated Procedure

HubSpot expertly automates a variety of activities, from routine task configurations to complex and time-consuming reporting and settings. As your business grows, you'll find that marketing and sales automation is essential if you want to see significant daily savings in both time and money while reaching more customers.

7. Train and Onboarding Your Users

As you near the end of your Hubspot onboarding checklist, it's time to get your team involved! One of the most important — and tedious — parts of the process is onboarding new users.

Female professionals talking at workplace

Whether you tackle this task on your own or work with a HubSpot Solutions partner that delivers onboarding services, ensuring that your team can work efficiently and accurately throughout the CRM is an important step toward getting the most out of the CRM. 

Get the HubSpot Setup Right by Working With a HubSpot Partner

The process of switching to a new marketing tool can be time-consuming and frustrating without the right help. In addition, the learning curve for a new system or piece of equipment may be steep, requiring a significant investment of time and effort. Fortunately, HubSpot empowers its partner agencies to tackle onboarding processes for clients! The right partners have a specific process to ease the burdens of setting up the CRM to get companies up and running smoothly, efficiently, and quickly. 

The Geeks of Geekly Media are here to help every step of the way. So, if you have questions about the Hubspot onboarding checklist or want to learn more about the onboarding process, Speak to a Geek!

Building your first campaign in HubSpot is easier with a solid understanding of the latest SEO best practices. Let us help! Download our free "Business Owner's Guide to SEO in 2022." 

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