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Property Management Automation: Top 7 Tasks to Automate

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Property Management Automation: Top 7 Tasks to Automate

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If you manage a number of properties in your real estate business, chances are you're using Propertyware—the property management software that manages your data so you can keep track of your real estate properties, leads, buyers, and renters. Thanks to Propertyware's open application programming interface (API), developers have been able to make software that integrates with Propertyware.

The latest and greatest of these integrations even help handle inbound marketing while supporting property management automation. In this article, we'll take a look at how Propertyware combined with the right "bridge" can help you automate—and grow—your property management business.

Process Automation on Black-Golden Watch Face with Closeup View of Watch Mechanism.

7 Tasks to Automate For Your Property Management Company

1. Rent Collection

Save yourself the time and human error involved in collecting rent payments from all your renters. When you employ rent collection software, you can automate collections to receive payments promptly. Simply set automatic reminders for when rent is due, as well as notices for delinquent renters. With a convenient online payment platform, you can reduce late rent payments and save yourself time collecting checks or cash payments.

2. Lease Expirations and Renewals

With the right tools, you can automate leasing operations to handle lease expirations and renewals on auto-pilot. Instead of playing "phone tag" with your renters when their lease is expiring, automate the process through your lease management software using notices. You can even execute the lease renewal online with the right connections!

3. Move-In and Move-Out Automation

Automate the process of turning over properties and handing keys over from old tenants to new ones! When you don't have to be there physically, you can save yourself considerable time—and keep your days off-market low. It's also convenient for your customers, who can rely on technology for real-time notifications and instructions for self-service as they vacate the property or receive their new keys.

Geekly Media has developed an automated approach to property management processes like these. When combined with Propertyware, you now have the power to automate administrative tasks like rent collection, lease renewals, and more! Instead of just managing or storing your data, this merger allows you to use the data you have to help automate your business. In property management, efficiency is a crucial component when it comes to gaining more doors: you should be putting property management automation to work for you!

woman investment consultant analyzing company annual financial report balance sheet statement working with documents graphs. Stock market, office, tax, education concept. Hands with charts papers

4. Property Management Marketing Metrics

The technology built into HubSpot enables you to gain valuable insights that can help you grow your business. With the data collected, it can provide intelligent and actionable business reporting. With at-a-glance analytics and customizable dashboards, you can get the information you need to bolster or change your marketing strategy.

5. Put Property Maintenance on Auto-Pilot

Cloud-based platforms that grant access to contractors and other parties involved with your properties enable transparency, visibility, and accountability. With streamlined property management tools, you can keep your properties well-maintained even when you're not there—and turn over your properties quickly for new tenants or owners.

Satisfied businessman relaxing in his office

6. Lead Generation and Lead Nurturing

Does important information from prospective buyers get lost between sticky notes, your desktop, and phone conversations? Property management leads acquisition and nurturing can be the most time-consuming part of your business, as well as the largest financial drain.

With lead generation software such as HubSpot, you can keep track of your leads and move them along in their buyer's journey based on insightful data about their sales-readiness. If you aren't guiding the flow of your leads through discernible stages in a sales cycle, chances are, you aren't closing the deals you could be with workflow automation.

7. Marketing

Many property owners are great at acquiring their properties but aren't sure how to get the word out about their availability. The further the reach of your marketing, the more qualified tenants you can bring to the table. Geekly Media's property management marketing automation helps you optimize your property management website for leads.

At Geekly Media, we craft campaigns for our property management partners like realtor referral programs, marketing email drips, and more with greater cross-platform fluidity than ever before!

The power of property management marketing automation is that it not only optimizes your current marketing efforts, it also enhances them with strategies that are proven to drive sales. It's specifically designed for property managers by property managers. With this service, your marketing campaigns will finally start to see the legitimate traction your business deserved from the start.

Businessman holding lightning in fist. Power and control

Automation Is Power in Property Management

There's a popular phrase about bear evasion that also applies to property management. "You don't have to outrun the bear; you just have to run faster than the guy next to you."

Too often, we see that our property management partners are spending most of their daylight hours doing just that—struggling to outrun the competition, keeping their business afloat. This is precisely why Geekly Media developed property management systems to automate your daily operations and marketing—so that you can focus on acquiring more doors and expanding your business. Instead of outrunning the bear, you are the bear.

If you're ready to bring your property management inbound marketing and process workflows to the next level through automation, look no further! Geekly Media has everything you need to modernize your Propertyware setups.

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