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Property Management Marketing Email Automation

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Property Management Marketing Email Automation

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Why Email Marketing?

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways you can nurture a new lead into a client. Using marketing automation with your emails helps you nurture those leads without having to manually manage every single client relationship that may or may not work out.

  • An automated email strategy helps you:
  • Engage leads through interesting content
  • Teach leads about your services
  • Keep your brand in mind
  • Nurture cold leads
  • Support your other digital marketing efforts
  • Email from behavior-based triggers

Geekly Media creates full email campaigns for lead nurturing at every stage of the buyer’s journey for every property management company we support.

How Can Email Automation Help Me?

Using email automation means spending less time writing emails and more time talking to the leads that are ready to become clients. A well-written email campaign will help convert the leads your inbound marketing creates and keep them from going cold if they are not ready to commit just yet.

Effective email marketing is more than continually reaching out to a prospect and pushing your property management services. Done right, a successful automated email campaign will embrace the inbound methodology and provide valuable information to the reader. What types of email campaigns are right for each stage of the sales flywheel?

Nurturing Campaigns

Nurturing email campaigns are meant to help a prospect get to know your property management business. Nurturing campaigns should talk about who you are as a company, the services you provide, and your unique value proposition. These emails should link to related content on your property management website to help bring your prospect back to your conversion-optimized landing pages.

Circle Back Campaigns

Not every property owner that visits your website is ready to sign on for management services. A circle back email drip is a great tool for checking in with those leads from time to time to remind them of your services. These campaigns should provide calls to action that lets the reader know of any new offerings and allow them to book a meeting with your sales team.

Delight Campaigns

Your marketing efforts should not stop once a lead becomes a client. Use automated emails to let your clients know how you are protecting their rental properties and the value you provide them daily.

As the only HubSpot Certified inbound marketing expert in the property management industry, Geekly Media is here to provide you with full marketing automation services. Contact us to learn more about our inbound marketing packages built just for property managers.

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