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Must-Have SEO for Powerful Property Management Website Design

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Must-Have SEO for Powerful Property Management Website Design

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Published November 8, 2019. Updated July 1, 2024.

Having an excellent website no one sees is like dumping money into a burning bucket. Your property management website must be optimized for search engines to get a return on the investment you put into it.

As inbound marketing and search engine optimization experts, we can tell you that property management SEO is the key to making sure your website both looks good and works for you 24/7. The right SEO strategies make your website pop up higher on search engines.

Here are five things anyone can do to help make their website more visible on Google and other search engines.

Close-up of an eye, boost search engine ranking with an eye on SEO tactics.

1. Keyword Research and Optimization

When people search, they type in words that then become keywords. If you do some excellent keyword research and your site has the right keywords on it, it's more likely to be ranked toward the top for potential clients to find easily.

Granted, if someone types in "property management," there's only a small chance of your site coming up. However, people tend to be more specific in their searches: they type in phrases that help them pinpoint the information they need.

For example, if a client is in Texas, they may search "DFW property management." However, they'll get too many results. Therefore, the search requires further refining. They may try being more specific with the search and type something like "DFW turnkey property management."

The first keyword is very general, and you will have a lot of competition if you have articles and blog posts with only "DFW property management." However, how many websites are going to have pieces that have the term "DFW turnkey property management?"

This situation is where you can use SEO to grab an advantage.

You can write a blog post with the term "DFW turnkey property management" in the SEO content. When a buyer types in that term, Google or another search engine scours the internet, trying to find it. Because you mention that in your articles, your site may be more likely to pop up toward the top of the list!

2. Publish Content That Is Relevant to Searches

The kind of content you publish can also help pull in more visitors.

A search is typically an implied question: search engines use artificial intelligence to figure out which sites contain content that answers the question a searcher has.

For instance, if someone types in "how to find turnkey property management in DFW," Google understands that this is a question the searcher wants answered. As Google reads your site, it's looking for an answer to that specific question. If it determines that your website provides a satisfactory, precise, or thorough explanation, it's more likely to rank that content higher in the search results.

Your content should always directly answer a question to catch Google's attention. While writing about an experience you had on vacation may make for interesting reading, putting it in a sentence like, "We stayed in a turnkey property in DFW," may not be enough. With that context, Google isn't going to identify your site as a reliable source of information about turnkey properties in the DFW area.

Instead, try to include information that answers the questions your target audience may be asking about why they should invest in turnkey properties.

3. Structure Pages So Answers to Questions Are Readily Available

The way these answers are presented makes a difference to search engines, too. The human eye can take in a plethora of information in a fraction of a second. However, our brains can only focus on a few things at a time.

Here are some things our brains — and Google — like to see as part of your SEO strategy:

  • Subheadings: Even if your article or blog has the prose of Proust, if it's a wall of text, a search engine is going to label it as hard to read. Subheadings break up the text and make it easier to read.

  • Bullet points: While you can go overboard with bullet points, having one or two sets of bulleted or numbered lists can make your site creep higher in the rankings. Like subheadings, bullet points are easier to read.

  • Short paragraphs: Forget what your high school English teacher taught you: keep your paragraphs under 100 words. It enhances readability and makes your page easier to scan — and search engines agree.

Making these formatting adjustments to SEO content helps it become more visible to search engines and pleasing to readers!

4. Write Content That Others May Want to Link To

Backlinks are one of the most powerful influencers of Google's — and other search engines' — decision to rank a page higher.

A backlink is when another site links to your site. There are several ways to get quality backlinks that require a little bit of technical knowledge, but the easiest way is to make your site worthy of linking to! However, beware of (and stay away from) backlink-acquiring methods that Google deems "spammy" and unethical, like paying for links or adding irrelevant links to content simply to get the link count up.

The simplest way to acquire backlinks for good property management SEO is by producing content that is accurate, informative, and specifically addresses common questions.

5. Use Quality Multimedia

People love videos and images, which are a crucial SEO tactic for your website. Search engines understand this, and they can figure out whether or not your site has high-quality multimedia.

To get your site higher in the rankings, try including the following multimedia:

  • Images: As a baseline, use about one every 500 words.

  • Infographics: These present information using shapes, colors, and simple diagrams instead of a wall of text.

  • Videos: Keep your videos informative and to the point.

A long video may be entertaining, but unless it needs to explain something elaborate, it shouldn't be much more than 10 minutes. A shorter video will make people more likely to share it, resulting in higher search engine rankings.

Multimedia Optimization for a property management website.

Boost Search Rankings With Better Website SEO Tactics!

You wouldn't willingly set your money on fire — and you shouldn't keep your website on the sidelines, either. Use these steps to help your site climb the search rankings and into the eyes of your target market!

However, while these are all tips you can apply on your own to jumpstart your property management marketing, there's more to a great website than SEO.

This is precisely why Geekly Media partners with property management companies like yours to expand your online presence. When it comes to growing your business, there are no wrong questions; Geekly Media is happy to answer them all. Reach out to us today for a consultation, and let's discuss what we can do to launch your business into the Google spotlight!

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