How Often Should You Update Property Management Websites?
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How Often Should You Update Property Management Websites?
To update or to not update your website? That's not the right question!
The better questions to ask are, "How often does your site need an update?" and "What kinds of updates are the most critical when considering your next round of updates?"
Business owners must keep a careful eye on their property management websites.
We know your biggest priority every day is serving your property owners and residents well. However, when growing your business, your website becomes a fundamental part of your property management marketing strategy. It's your digital storefront!
If your website is out of date or nonfunctional, you'll lose business. However, "updating" your website doesn't always require starting a new one from scratch or a complete overhaul. Here's a look at two critical types of updates and how often they should occur to keep your property management business competitive and thriving!
1. A Minor Facelift
Minor website updates can (and should) take place at any time you recognize a need for a change.
There are a few things about property management websites that should stay current and drive frequent updates. Regular reviews of your site's content, links, and information can help you make minor updates to help maintain a steady flow of qualified traffic and new leads.
Minor updates can include:
Frequent blogs or video content
New content offers
Adding new FAQs or updating old Q&As to stay current
Updating staff bios and photos
Updates to your services or pricing
Current information about hours of operation and procedures.
Adding new pages or refreshing your logo can also give your website a fresh look and boost traffic! These types of changes won't require significant programming work or building a new website (which we'll get to next).
New Content Is Critical
We preach this often, so we'll say it again: (quality) content is king!
Your inbound property management marketing strategy depends on fresh or revamped content updates. Even if nothing else changes on your website, it's essential to create and keep a schedule of expert content to draw new traffic to your site.
If being a Content King (or Queen) isn't your thing, let Geekly Media help! We know the value of excellent content to position you as the leading property management service provider in your area.
Refreshing Existing Content is Also Crucial
Website updates should also include reviewing and updating existing content. By reviewing old content on your property management blog and making updates to keep it current, adding new keywords, updating formatting, and optimizing for SEO, your website will attract more organic traffic!
Refreshing content should be a part of your routine "minor" website update process to boost your property management marketing success.
2. A Major Overhaul
Every two to three years, it's time for a more significant website overhaul. Your site could be cutting edge today — but as quickly as technology and online user behavior change, your site will be outdated in a couple of years. It just happens.
It's not because your website is bad or worthless (despite all the work you put into launching it a year or two ago). It's merely the way online behavior works! Property management business owners must keep up with the competition and current online user trends.
When it's time for major overhauls of property management websites, consider these things:
Does your website have everything it needs? From intuitive navigation to excellent testimonials, make sure your website has these five things.
Is it SEO-friendly? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) best practices change frequently. Review your site and make sure the SEO is helping drive traffic to your business.
Is your site ADA-compliant? It's not an option! If it's not compliant, your site could need some significant updates to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for websites.
Does the navigation still work? Websites today are vastly different than a year or two ago. Make sure your site's design follows current user patterns for navigation.
Making these kinds of significant changes is no small task! If you find your site lacking in these areas, use the opportunity to a marketing advantage.
A Fresh Face Is a Fresh Opportunity!
When making significant updates, it's also an excellent time for a branding update.
A new take on your logo can be a minor update. Still, it can also be an excellent reason to relaunch your company and capitalize on an opportunity to boost your marketing strategy.
Then, redesigning your website is worth shouting (excitedly) about! Use social media, an email strategy, and inbound marketing to tell the world about your new site and expert services.
Build a campaign to:
Launch your fresh new website
Introduce the market to the best property management company with excitement for serving property owners and residents
Affirm your relationships with existing clients and current leads
Bring something new to the table (new services, pricing structure, guarantees, and content offers).
A property management website relaunch is an excellent opportunity to reconnect with contacts, find new leads, and generate more traffic for your website and business.
Geekly Media Updates Property Management Websites for More Traffic
Making regular, impactful website updates can be overwhelming when your daily priority is providing expert property management services! However, skipping these updates can leave you without the leads you need to grow your business.
Whether small or significant, Geekly Media is the best partner to maintain engaging property management websites to help your business thrive!
Keep doing what you do best as expert property managers. We'll review and keep your site up-to-date while your business grows. Contact us for a consultation!