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"Fresh" Content is the New "New" Content: Updating Website Content

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"Fresh" Content is the New "New" Content: Updating Website Content

If you've been marketing your property management company for very long, you know that digital marketing strategies change almost faster than you can keep up. In the current world of inbound marketing, staying ahead requires more than just pumping out heaps of new content every day. 

It calls for a smarter, more sustainable approach: updating website content regularly. 

This strategy can work wonders in keeping your online presence fresh and vibrant, boosting your SEO rankings, and maintaining a content marketing strategy that's as effective as it is manageable.

So, what do we mean by "fresh" content? Can updating old content really make that big of a difference in the traffic to your property management website? Keep reading to find out!

You Can Freshen Up Your Content Marketing Strategy With Old Content

That doesn't sound quite right, does it? Can "old" content really become "new" again? 


Your property management content marketing strategy doesn't have to be a relentless hamster wheel of new daily content. Quite the contrary. Dirty vs. clean white sneakers, updating website content concept

The old adage of "out with the old, in with the new" has had a facelift in the world of SEO. Updating old content is the new "creating new content," which packs a powerful SEO punch.

Refreshing your content has tremendous SEO value. Google's search engine algorithms reward fresh content — it's like giving Google a welcome surprise. 

Let's be clear, though: Your brand-new blogs and content will always be vital! However, taking the time to spruce up your old blogs can effectively boost your SEO rankings.

Understanding Google's Love for Fresh Content

So, what's with Google's affection for fresh content? The answer lies in the SEO ranking factors. 

Google's algorithms see updated content as "fresh." However, fresh doesn't always mean brand new — it's about relevance, timeliness, and value. By regularly refreshing website content, you're telling Google's bots that your content is not only current but continually striving to provide better information to readers.

Google and other search engines value content updates, and seeing fresh additions to existing content is a good reason to crawl a page again. When making content updates, you have an excellent opportunity to include new keywords, improve your meta descriptions, and add relevant links. 

It's like giving your content a new lease on life, making it more visible and appealing in the eyes of both Google and your audience.

Why Updated Content Can Generate More Traffic

The advantages of updating website content regularly extend beyond just pleasing Google. It's a practical, efficient strategy that can yield more significant results than creating new content from scratch. 

In many cases, republishing an existing blog can generate more traffic faster than the original first run of the content!

We know this because we practice what we preach! In April 2023, we republished this Geekly Media blog with strategic "lengthen and strengthen" updates. It was initially published in November 2022 and generated some organic traffic for the "first-run" publishing. 

However, after republishing in April, the organic traffic saw an almost immediate lift and continued to increase through June!

Chart showing organic traffic increase after updating website content

Updating your existing content allows you to capitalize on the authority and credibility your page has already built. A high-ranking blog post updated with fresh information can regain its top spot in search engine results faster than a newly published post. It also fosters better audience engagement, as visitors appreciate updated, timely content that stays relevant to their needs and interests.

Our "Lengthen and Strengthen" Strategy

At Geekly Media, we're advocates for a "Lengthen and Strengthen" strategy. It's what we affectionately call our approach to updating website content regularly. 

Instead of only adding new content to the sea of blogs and articles already out there, we also prioritize lengthening and strengthening (i.e., optimizing) existing content to generate more traffic and leads.

The beauty of this approach is that you're not reinventing the wheel; you're enhancing what's already been successful. This strategy involves expanding on property management blog content and incorporating new developments, statistics, or insights relevant to the topic. 

It's about making good content great, and great content even better.

By leveraging the power of content that already exists, you're more likely to see a noticeable improvement in your SEO (search engine optimization) rankings. It's not only cost-effective but also a strategic way to maximize the potential of your content, generate more traffic, and keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Content Updates Require Sound Strategy

If you're reading this blog and already making a list of old blogs to tackle with updates, your enthusiasm for this strategy is on the right track! 

However, refreshing your content is not just about changing a few words here and there. It involves carefully analyzing your content's performance, identifying what works and what doesn't, and making strategic changes that can enhance its SEO value and appeal to your audience.

Whether it's adding new sections, incorporating relevant keywords after additional keyword research, improving the structure for better readability, or adding new, high-quality backlinks and internal links, each update makes content on your web pages and blog fresher, stronger, and more valuable.

Updating Website Content is More Effective With Expert Help!

Are you ready to generate more organic traffic to your website? Geekly Media is here to help. With our deep understanding of SEO ranking factors and expertise in the ideal updates for property management content, we can help you implement a successful "Lengthen and Strengthen" strategy as part of your content marketing plan.

Leave the hamster wheel behind and start refreshing your content with Geekly Media today. Or, start tackling that list of blogs to update with the insights in our free resource, "How to Update Website Content for Better SEO."

How to Update Website Content for Better SEO

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