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Property Management Marketing: Google Analytics

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Property Management Marketing: Google Analytics

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As a property manager, you may not be well-versed in all of the sophisticated technology or insider tricks that help you track your online marketing efforts. However, understanding the effectiveness of your property management marketing strategy (or where you need to improve) can help you grow your business!

Analyzing campaigns help you find what's working best to generate new leads and close new business. With the right tools, you can learn:

  • Which content offers encourage more clicks
  • How your marketing budget is working for you
  • Which campaigns work well and which ones aren't producing quality leads
  • If automation can help improve the ROI and efficiencies for your property management marketing strategy

The good news is there are some simple and free resources you can use to help track your property management marketing efforts! Google Analytics is one of the most commonly used and effective free tools to track website metrics. Keep reading to learn more about how Google Analytics can help you improve your marketing and grow your business!

What Is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics allows you to analyze user behavior on your website. With this analysis, property management marketers can improve the online user experience, encourage more leads to travel through your marketing funnel, and add more new business to your company. 

If you're not already using Google Analytics, you could be missing critical information about your website performance. However, if you "think" you have Google Analytics, but you haven't checked the numbers (or you don't understand how to turn the analysis into actionable steps for improvement), Geekly Media can help! Don't let Google Analytics information go to waste.

How Does It Work? 

A drop in traffic or being unsure of where to make the most critical updates to boost website conversion can be a mystery without the right insights. Reviewing your site's performance numbers through Google Analytics can help your website get back on track to generate more trafficand more leads. 

Adding the free Google Analytics tracking code to your website gives you data that you can use to optimize your site for the best user experience. When you have an effective, engaging website, you have satisfied searchers who are more likely to find what they need on your site, then turn into customers who use your products and services.

Two  colleages discussing ideas using a tablet and computer-2

What Does It Track?

What can you learn from Google Analytics? It's a robust tool that gives your property management marketing team excellent insight into how your site is working—or not working—for you. 

The analysis tracks and reports on:

  • Daily traffic to each page of your website
  • Where web traffic is coming from
    • Social media
    • Organic searching
    • Referral links
    • Paid ads
    • Direct links
    • Location
  • Other metrics you can define, including:
    • The number of clicks on a particular link during a timeframe
    • How many contacts forms are completed vs. the abandon rate
    • Which landing pages or content offers generate the best conversion rates
  • Additional metrics like:
    • Which marketing campaigns generate the best new leads
    • What visitors search for to find your site
    • What visitors click on the most
    • Your most viewed content
    • The pages, links, or forms where you lose the most traffic
    • Where people fall out of your conversion paths

As you can see, using Google Analytics provides plenty of information about your website—but how do you use that information to optimize it? Making improvements to your website or property management marketing strategy can only happen if you understand the numbers and analysis, then translate that knowledge into actionable steps. 

Why Is Google Analytics Useful for Property Managers?

Have you ever heard the saying, "what gets measured gets managed?" This is the basic concept of applying analysis to program improvement: the more you measure your web performance, the better you can determine whether your digital marketing efforts are successful.

Using Google's analysis helps property management marketers and business owners do more of what works, fix what isn't working, and create new strategies that combine what the best of what works while avoiding what doesn't work! 

Produce More Effective Content

When you develop a landing page, blog content, or informational page for your website, knowing the formats, types of content, and SEO strategies that work the best helps you create more of the same. There's no need to guess about which content strategies are most effective, then hope that more people land on the best pages than the worst one. Google Analytics can tell you what's working, so you replicate your success

  • You'll have the insight into which pages are bringing the most traffic to your website, and the content visitors search for the most.
  • You can then use that insight to create more content around those topics and build the right resources to meet the needs of the potential customers coming to your website.
  • Google Analytics supports the best practices of a successful marketing program using inbound methodology!

Know the Best Keywords

When you know what visitors search for to land on your website, you know the best keywords to work into your copy. Google Analytics helps property management marketers utilize best practices for an effective SEO strategy

Without the right keywords, your content won't rank high enough on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) to generate enough new traffic or leads. Use Google Analytics to help you create content that answers the questions of property owners in your area. When you keep showing up as the best online property management resource in your market, your business grows!

Tablet and tools with home under construction concept

Fix What's Broken

Your website might look perfect, but if it's not converting enough leads into new business for you, it's working against you. 

As a property manager, you know how to fix problems with your properties, resolve tenant issues, and keep owners happy. You use financial reports and other tools to understand the success of each property in your care and your overall business. You don't have to guess about where you're losing money: you have reports and knowledge to help you find the problems and course-correct. 

  • Google Analytics is the tool you need to fix what's broken on your website to keep visitors happy and generate more new business.
  • The reporting dashboard shows your website's brightest spots of activity and conversion. It also shows you what's broken and derailing your efforts to grow.
  • Geekly Media can help you make sense of those reports to fix what's not working and keep your momentum intact! 

Do Property Managers Need Google Analytics?

Yes! Did we mention it's free? Google Analytics will aid you in improving the effectiveness of your website and property management marketing strategies.

The sooner you start tracking your analytics data, the sooner you can gather enough data to analyze trends and website performance. As you make adjustments in response to the analysis, Google Analytics keeps tracking and reporting on your site's improvement. 

At Geekly Media, we believe that there is no reason not to use this toolunless you have better analytics tools at your disposal. If you're looking for more, we always recommend the HubSpot analytics dashboard that integrates every aspect of your inbound marketing campaign.

If you need help setting up Google Analytics for your property management company's website, contact Geekly Media. We specialize in all things inbound marketing for property management companies. We also offer business consulting for new and existing property management companies!

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Updated and republished 7/2/2020.

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