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How Property Management Consulting Increased Client Revenue by 41% In 1 Year

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How Property Management Consulting Increased Client Revenue by 41% In 1 Year

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SFR Property Management Company         

Current Geekly Client, 2016 - Present

Increase in New Properties, Revenue, and Rent Roll in the first year

Subject Client is the largest residential single-family property management company in their MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), and currently manages over 450 single-family properties, of which vacancy rates fell within the 2016 Q1 national average of only 4.3% (Source).

Subject Client retained Geekly Media, LLC (“Geekly Media”) in 2016 to evaluate and make recommendations concerning property management operations, branding, property management marketing, fee structure, and property management software (technology). The scope of the project entailed an initial evaluation and recommendation report, implementation, and ongoing coaching.

As a result of implementing Geekly Media’s recommendations and ongoing consulting, the Subject Client has realized a 27% growth in properties under management and $157,489 increase in revenue over the first 12 months.

Timeframe - 12 Months


       Phase 1           Initial Analysis and Recommendations

       Phase 2           Implementation

       Phase 3           Ongoing Coaching and Consulting

Scope of Work and Areas of Focus


       Market Positioning              Demographic and Competitive Analysis

       Financial                            Fee Structure, Expenses, Ancillary Revenue Opportunities

       Operations                         Workflows, Policies, SLAs, Identifying Areas of Inefficiency

       Technology                        Review Existing Technology and Potential Solutions

       Branding & Marketing         Website, Branding, Digital Marketing Strategies and Sales


Client Results - First 12 Months

Client progress first 12 months
Growth chart of properties under management and gross revenue

New Revenue Growth and Source of Growth

Charts of New Revenue Initiatives and Revenue per Unit

Percent Increase of Properties, Revenue, and Rent Roll

Graph of Percent Metric Improvement


Summary of Initiatives

Summary of Initiatives Incorporated and Impact

Summary of Results

The Subject Client of this case study exhibited a notably strong framework, from which Geekly Media was able to identify numerous key areas to further drive efficiency, growth, and profitability.

Geekly Media focused its recommendations on the areas of market positioning, financial structure, property management operations, property management marketing, branding, and property management software. Success was definitively achieved in each category, resulting in significant growth in properties managed, total revenue, revenue per property managed, brand awareness, and operational efficiency.

The Subject Client is now well-positioned to build on the prior 12 months of success and maintain its position as the recognized leader of single-family residential property management companies in their market.

Book a demo with us today to Calculate the Possibilities! 

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