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Grow Your Roofing Business with Geekly Media's Pay-Per-Lead Service!  

No Risk. All Reward.  

If you're not growing, you're dying. Every business owner knows that you can't cut your way to profitability. You can only grow your way there. With Geekly's Pay-Per-Lead service, you decide how you want to grow, how MUCH you want to grow, and you'll know exactly what it will cost. Scaleable growth, no strings attached. 


Pay Per Lead, Not Per Click.

In the competitive world of roofing, effective lead generation can be elusive. Yet, acquiring a steady stream of roofing leads is essential for business growth. How can you increase your lead count and ensure they’re quality prospects looking for your services?

Geekly Media goes straight to the heart of generating roofing leads by providing pay-per-lead options to leverage online visibility.

Get ready to turn that interest into income.

Pay-Per-Lead Highlights:

  • Roofing leads are crucial for business growth, with exclusive leads being more valuable due to lower competition and marketplace leads providing a lower cost solution for those ready to go head-to-head with the competition.
  • Geekly's Pay-per-lead options, ranging from $125 to $250 per lead, allow roofing companies to buy leads fitting their budgets and needs, including exclusive and marketplace leads.
  • Alternative to pay-per-lead models, flat-rate business listings provide constant online visibility for a regular monthly fee, offering a steady stream of potential leads without per-lead costs.

Understanding Roofing Leads and Their Value

You’ve probably heard the term ‘roofing leads’ thrown around in the roofing business. But what are they exactly? Roofing leads are simply inquiries or expressions of interest from potential customers in residential or commercial roofing services. These can lead to successful roofing jobs when converted into paying customers, acting as the lifeblood for the growth and sustainability of roofing businesses.

Therefore, any roofing company should prioritize consistently acquiring quality roofing leads to generate leads effectively for themselves and other roofing companies.

Defining Roofing Leads

Let’s dissect what qualifies as a roofing lead. Essentially, a roofing lead is a potential client who has shown interest in roofing services by reaching out to express their need.

Now, there are different types of leads, namely exclusive and marketplace or shared leads. Exclusive roofing leads refer to prospects who have expressed direct interest in roofing services, demonstrating a higher likelihood of conversion. The value of such leads is enhanced as they are connected solely to one business, reducing competition.


The Importance of High-Quality Roofing Leads

You might be questioning the emphasis on high-quality leads. Well, high-quality leads have a higher conversion rate, which is crucial for boosting sales and fostering long-term customer relationships. Focusing on quality leads allows roofing businesses to use their resources more efficiently by targeting prospects with greater conversion potential, ultimately improving their lead-generation efforts.

This enables your sales team to concentrate on prospects with a higher likelihood of conversion, thereby enhancing the efficiency of overall sales efforts.


Get More Roofing Leads Today!

The journey to boosting your roofing business lies in understanding and acquiring quality roofing leads. Whether it’s through exclusive leads, marketplace leads, or flat-rate business listings, each strategy offers its own unique advantages and challenges. What matters most is choosing the strategy that aligns with your business needs, budget, and resources. Geekly Media is here to help! See our resources below to learn more about each type of lead service we provide, or reach out and Speak to a Geek to get started right away!

Geekly Media's Roofing Pay-Per-Lead Options

  • Exclusive Roofing Leads
  • Marketplace Roofing Leads
  • Roofing Business Listings
  • Exclusive Roofing Leads
  • Geekly Media's Exclusive Leads at Predictable Pricing 

    Offered at $250 per lead, exclusive roofing leads guarantee sole access for your roofing contractor to reach out to potential customers. This appealing opportunity presents a unique advantage, doesn't it? Certainly! Exclusive leads afford roofing contractors the valuable chance to engage with customers directly, free from competition. This allows for a more personalized and focused approach, leading to higher conversion rates.

    At Geekly Media, we understand the importance of quality leads in growing your roofing business. That's why we have developed a lead generation program that promises not only high-quality leads, but also at a predictable pricing model. No more fluctuating costs or unexpected expenses - just a simple flat rate of $250 per exclusive lead.

    But what exactly sets our exclusive leads apart from others? We're so glad you asked! We do extensive research and targeting to ensure that the leads are relevant to your specific location and target audience. We take into consideration factors such as demographics, income level, and home ownership status to ensure that you are connecting with potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your services.


    Our lead generation program also includes ongoing support and optimization to help you get the most out of your leads. Our team of experts will work with you to analyze your results and make adjustments as needed to constantly improve your lead conversion rate. We understand that not all leads will result in a sale, but through our continuous efforts, we aim to maximize the chances of turning those leads into paying customers for your roofing business and expect you to see an average closing ratio between 20% and 25%!

    In addition, our exclusive leads are guaranteed - if you receive a lead that does not meet our promised criteria, we will replace it at no additional cost. This gives you peace of mind and reassurance that you are investing in high-quality leads that have been thoroughly vetted by our team.

  • Marketplace Roofing Leads
  • Geekly Media's Marketplace Leads for Affordable Pricing and Broader Reach

    If exclusive leads seem out of reach, marketplace leads may be more suitable for your needs. Available to roofing contractors at $125 each, these leads offer the opportunity to reach a wider customer base. Expanding your reach presents its own challenges, though. Notably, the higher competition among contractors bidding for the same leads. Therefore, quick responses and additional efforts are required to distinguish yourself from competitors.

    One of the biggest challenges faced by roofing contractors is finding quality leads at an affordable price. Exclusive leads, while valuable, also come with a higher price tag that may not fit into every budget. This is where marketplace leads from Geekly Media can make all the difference.


    Marketplace leads are available to roofing contractors for just $125 each, making them a much more cost-effective option compared to exclusive leads. But what sets these marketplace leads apart is their broader reach. By tapping into Geekly Media's extensive network, you have the opportunity to connect with a wider customer base and potentially increase your business opportunities.

    However, with this broader reach comes increased competition. As more contractors bid for the same leads, standing out from the crowd becomes crucial in order to win the job. This is where having a strong online presence and reputation can give you an edge over your competitors.

  • Roofing Business Listings
  • Geekly Media's Business Listings Provide Low-Cost Expanded Reach

    If the pay-per-lead model doesn’t fit your business strategy, you might want to consider flat-rate business listings. With a flat rate of $250/mo, this service provides consistent online visibility to potential clients without the commitment to individual lead prices.

    Without any additional cost per lead, this business listing service provides roofing businesses with constant online visibility, offering the possibility of a regular influx of potential leads without exhausting your budget.  This is especially beneficial for smaller or new businesses looking to establish a presence in the competitive roofing industry.


    But what sets Geekly Media's business listings apart from other flat-rate services? One key feature is the expanded reach it offers. Not only will your business be listed on our popular website, but it will also be featured on our social media platforms and email newsletters. This means exposure to a larger audience, increasing your chances of connecting with potential clients.

    Another advantage of these business listings is the low cost compared to other marketing strategies. Traditional advertising methods, such as print ads or radio commercials, can quickly add up and eat into your budget. With Geekly Media's business listings, you get long-term visibility at a fraction of the cost.

    • Exclusive Roofing Leads
    • Marketplace Roofing Leads
    • Roofing Business Listings

    Geekly Media's Exclusive Leads at Predictable Pricing 

    Offered at $250 per lead, exclusive roofing leads guarantee sole access for your roofing contractor to reach out to potential customers. This appealing opportunity presents a unique advantage, doesn't it? Certainly! Exclusive leads afford roofing contractors the valuable chance to engage with customers directly, free from competition. This allows for a more personalized and focused approach, leading to higher conversion rates.

    At Geekly Media, we understand the importance of quality leads in growing your roofing business. That's why we have developed a lead generation program that promises not only high-quality leads, but also at a predictable pricing model. No more fluctuating costs or unexpected expenses - just a simple flat rate of $250 per exclusive lead.

    But what exactly sets our exclusive leads apart from others? We're so glad you asked! We do extensive research and targeting to ensure that the leads are relevant to your specific location and target audience. We take into consideration factors such as demographics, income level, and home ownership status to ensure that you are connecting with potential customers who are most likely to be interested in your services.


    Our lead generation program also includes ongoing support and optimization to help you get the most out of your leads. Our team of experts will work with you to analyze your results and make adjustments as needed to constantly improve your lead conversion rate. We understand that not all leads will result in a sale, but through our continuous efforts, we aim to maximize the chances of turning those leads into paying customers for your roofing business and expect you to see an average closing ratio between 20% and 25%!

    In addition, our exclusive leads are guaranteed - if you receive a lead that does not meet our promised criteria, we will replace it at no additional cost. This gives you peace of mind and reassurance that you are investing in high-quality leads that have been thoroughly vetted by our team.

    Geekly Media's Marketplace Leads for Affordable Pricing and Broader Reach

    If exclusive leads seem out of reach, marketplace leads may be more suitable for your needs. Available to roofing contractors at $125 each, these leads offer the opportunity to reach a wider customer base. Expanding your reach presents its own challenges, though. Notably, the higher competition among contractors bidding for the same leads. Therefore, quick responses and additional efforts are required to distinguish yourself from competitors.

    One of the biggest challenges faced by roofing contractors is finding quality leads at an affordable price. Exclusive leads, while valuable, also come with a higher price tag that may not fit into every budget. This is where marketplace leads from Geekly Media can make all the difference.


    Marketplace leads are available to roofing contractors for just $125 each, making them a much more cost-effective option compared to exclusive leads. But what sets these marketplace leads apart is their broader reach. By tapping into Geekly Media's extensive network, you have the opportunity to connect with a wider customer base and potentially increase your business opportunities.

    However, with this broader reach comes increased competition. As more contractors bid for the same leads, standing out from the crowd becomes crucial in order to win the job. This is where having a strong online presence and reputation can give you an edge over your competitors.

    Geekly Media's Business Listings Provide Low-Cost Expanded Reach

    If the pay-per-lead model doesn’t fit your business strategy, you might want to consider flat-rate business listings. With a flat rate of $250/mo, this service provides consistent online visibility to potential clients without the commitment to individual lead prices.

    Without any additional cost per lead, this business listing service provides roofing businesses with constant online visibility, offering the possibility of a regular influx of potential leads without exhausting your budget.  This is especially beneficial for smaller or new businesses looking to establish a presence in the competitive roofing industry.


    But what sets Geekly Media's business listings apart from other flat-rate services? One key feature is the expanded reach it offers. Not only will your business be listed on our popular website, but it will also be featured on our social media platforms and email newsletters. This means exposure to a larger audience, increasing your chances of connecting with potential clients.

    Another advantage of these business listings is the low cost compared to other marketing strategies. Traditional advertising methods, such as print ads or radio commercials, can quickly add up and eat into your budget. With Geekly Media's business listings, you get long-term visibility at a fraction of the cost.

    We are not a fly-by-night lead generation company.

    And we're not your average roofing lead generation company.

    We're a seasoned digital marketing team focused on the roofing industry. We're looking for the best roofing companies to join our portfolio of thriving home service businesses and experience the Geekly difference. Many business owners still believe that generating leads requires spending endless hours learning to master local SEO to keep their own website at peak performance with relevant roofing company keywords, ensuring they achieve the highest possible search results. Most roofing businesses say that generating roofing leads requires more time focusing their efforts on search engine results and online reviews rather than potential leads for roofing clients that are seeking their services right away. Roofing companies of all sizes can fall into the trap of trying to generate leads with the 'right strategy' on their own website. With Geekly Media, we do the heavy lifting. You just have to sit back, and answer the phone, and reply to inquiries.

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    Seamless Integration

    We integrate directly with your CRM, ensuring instant lead delivery and progress tracking. Never miss a potential customer again. With our guarantee that you only pay for valid leads, we partner with your team and actively monitor your opportunities to track their validity, progression, and close rate. If your activities or metrics don't follow the same path toward success that our other clients follow, we will alert you and jump in with you to find out why. Need sales guidance? No problem! Meet with Geekly to review our Sales Enablement program and get your results back on track. CRM isn't as powerful as you'd prefer? Unable to get the data you need to accurately measure KPIs? No problem! Our team of professional CRM implementation specialists can review your platform to look for quick wins or suggest a better platform for what you're trying to achieve.


    Performance Guarantee

    We hold ourselves accountable. Invalid, out-of-area, or unreachable leads are refunded. Read that again. That's right. If you receive a lead with no phone number and an invalid email address, you don't pay. If you receive a lead with an invalid phone number and no email address, you don't pay. If you receive a lead with a valid phone number and valid email address, but they just won't get back to you, you don't pay. At Geekly Media, digital marketing and lead generation is what we do best. We have a process and guidelines in place to put you in the best possible position to succeed. If you follow that process and don't receive the results you need, you just don't pay! That's all there is to it!


    Dedicated Support

    Our team is here to help you maximize your success. We'll provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure you get the most out of your deals. If you need credit for a bad lead or have questions about how to best handle certain opportunities, we're here to help. Want to expand your territory and bring on additional leads? Great! Our support team can work with you to review our available territories and position you for success in any market you choose.

    Are you ready to stop struggling and start closing deals? Here's what you need to qualify:

    4.0+ Google Review Average

    Everyone knows that a bad reputation will ruin your first impressions. The prospects we drive to you are eager and ready to speak with you, but they still often do a little research on your company. As such, we only work with the best. You must have a stellar reputation to qualify for Geekly's exclusive leads. There are many different review sites where our roofing clients attempt to build their reputations, but we know that your new customers will look to Google more often than any other platform to determine who their roofing service provider will be. While other review sites may help with backlinks or social proof, Google is what we will use to even the playing field amongst our roofing prospects.

    Direct CRM Access

    We need seamless integration for smooth lead delivery and tracking. With our offer of exclusivity and our valid lead guarantee, we have a vested interest in making sure that each lead experiences the same professional and helpful responses as quickly as possible. We will partner with you and your sales team to look for any opportunity for improvement while monitoring the ongoing success of the opportunities we provide for you. To do this, we will need direct access to your lead management system. This can come in any number of ways. If you prefer, we can simply log in as a limited user within your CRM and gather the data we need in the background. You can also give us a scheduled delivery of reporting from your CRM that will provide us with weekly updates on the progression of the leads we provide. We will then embed this into our own reporting systems to continually monitor and improve the leads we provide.

    Dedicated Sales Team

    You need a team ready to handle and nurture your deals for maximum conversion. Nothing indicates success better than a great first response from a personable and helpful sales consultant. If your business doesn't have a dedicated team member responsible for managing leads, we can work with you to establish that process prior to launching your market. Our most successful clients have established sales teams with established processes and expectations for progressing a deal through its lifecycle. In order to qualify for our program, we will walk through your sales process and confirm that it's up to the best standards before we begin delivering your leads.

    Strong Lead Response

    Like most home service businesses, roofing jobs require immediate response. Your customers are not looking to join your long-term email marketing campaign while they consider their options. They are likely to contact you shortly after a hail storm when their entire roof is at risk of leaking or when they have an active leak that needs immediate attention. Our most successful clients have something in common. They are quick on the draw and keep their lead responses process at peak performance. In order to qualify for our roof leads, you must have an efficient process in place to contact prospects within 10 minutes during business hours and make at least five (5) attempts. If, after these attempts have been made, you are unable to make contact with the lead, you are welcome to submit it for credit to your account at no charge.

    Defined Service Area

    There's nothing worse than getting on the phone with an excited customer who has the right kind of property and the right budget to work with you only to discover that they live hours away. In order to send you the best prospects that will close at the highest possible rate, you will need to provide us with your service radius or zip codes within which we will target leads. Our exclusivity agreeement with your business guarantees that you will be the only company receiving each lead. As such, we will only partner with up to five companies in a given MSA. There's no need to worry about overcrowding or racing to the bottom with leads from Geekly Media. Our success is your success and we honor our commitments with each and every lead.

    You have other options to get roofing leads. Let's review.

    Cash flow is crucial for your roofing business—it's like oxygen. And in the roofing industry, cash flow primarily comes from securing new projects. So, where can you find homeowners or company contacts that are high quality and likely to convert? Here are five main strategies that roofing companies often use to boost their leads:

    Hustle and Grind Roofing

    If you're generating under $1M in revenue, you might find yourself in the hustle category. You're willing to invest more time than money to acquire new opportunities.

    • Example activities: Networking, attending local events, seeking referrals.
    • Example Fulfillment: Door Knockers and Cold Calling
    • Advantages: Lower cost financially (though it demands more time).
    • Disadvantages: Time-consuming and doesn't scale effectively.

    DIY Online Marketing (or In-House Employee)

    If you're generating under $3M to $5M in revenue and you prefer control or are a hands-on type, you may choose to handle your online marketing efforts or train an employee to do it in-house.

    • Example Activities: Managing Google campaigns, working on SEO, and maintaining social media presence.
    • Example Fulfillment: Investing in training materials or hiring a coach.
    • Advantages: In-depth learning experience.
    • Disadvantages: Diverts focus on core business operations, and there are risks associated with in-house expertise like employee churn and data integrity.

    Hire a Service Provider

    If you're edging in on $5M+ in revenue, you might consider outsourcing to professionals who can handle tasks like website building, video creation, or managing Google AdWords.

    • Example Activities: Website development, video production, PPC management.
    • Example Fulfillment: Roofing marketing companies or other industry-agnostic digital agencies.
    • Advantages: Allows you to focus on core business functions.
    • Disadvantages: No guaranteed results, risk of overspending without ROI assurance.


    If you're generating over $3M in revenue, you might consider this approach as it requires minimal marketing effort; simply pay for leads generated.

    • Example Activities: Minimal marketing, direct payment for leads.
    • Example Fulfillment: Angi's List, Thumbtack, and many roofing marketing companies that sell shared pay-per-leads.
    • Advantages: Clear ROI calculation, pay only for actual leads.
    • Disadvantages: Leads are sold to multiple competitors, lead prices escalate over time, there is no assurance of lead quality or closure, and there is a race to the lowest price.

    Geekly Media's Roofing Pay-Per-Lead Options

    Exclusive Leads tailored specifically for your roofing business, Marketplace Leads at affordable prices, and Business Listings for high-visibility, low-cost marketing. 

    • Example Activities: Sit back, relax, and wait for the leads to roll in. Wow your exclusive leads with your roofing expertise and attention to detail. Impress your marketplace leads with your speed-to-lead, lightning-fast response times. Introduce your business to the entire roofing prospect pool with your informative and up-to-date business listing. 
    • Example Fulfillment: Geekly Media's Exclusive Leads.
    • Advantages: Exclusive Leads are exclusive to you; Marketplace Leads are distributed in a limited fashion and have a lower cost, you only pay for quality leads, control lead flow, and gain predictable ROI with consistent lead prices: only $250/lead for exclusive and only $125/lead for marketplace.
    • Disadvantages: Limited availability. We only partner with five companies in each market for exclusive leads and 10 companies in each market for marketplace leads. We may not suit very small companies or those with poor reputations. We require that you're capable of handling at least 125 leads per month and that your Google Business Profile maintains a 4-star rating.

    Choose the strategy that aligns best with your roofing business's size, goals, and resources.

    Get Roofing Leads On Demand. Here's How it Works:

    Services-Icons_Document the BIG Stuff

    Step 1

    Check your market availability to see when our program will launch near you! 

    Markets open every Spring and Fall. Spring 2024 markets open between March 15th and April 15th. Onboarding begins March 8th. Once your market is approved, you will receive an invitation to schedule your onboarding call where our team will provide next steps. 


    Step 2

    Attend your onboarding call to review your specific markets and fill us in on your growth goals and timelines. We only accept five companies per submarket for exclusive leads and ten companies per submarket for marketplace leads to guarantee lead exclusivity and produce the highest quality, highest conversion leads.

    Geekly Media runs high-conversion, nationwide, continuous lead-generation campaigns at scale. In order to honor our promise of market exclusivity, you must be ready and willing to accept up to 125 leads per month per market. If you would like more than 125 valid leads per month, please share those goals with your onboarding specialist to allow our team to reserve the appropriate market share for you.

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    Step 3

    Convert those leads into paying customers and grow your business with ease.

    Markets are opening across the nation between March 15th and April 15th of 2024. Markets are reserved on a first come, first serve basis and are limited to five (5) companies per market for exclusive leads and ten (10) companies per market for marketplace leads. Market sizes are designated and evaluated twice per year, prior to new markets opening. Market boundaries may be adjusted for population size changes. Each submarket contains approximately 250k residents and can produce up to 250 exclusive leads each month.

    Geekly Media's On-Demand Lead Generation Service
    is Opening in a Market Near You!

    Scale your lead generation efforts. Our roofing lead generation services allow you to get roofing leads on demand and at the scale you want. A fair lead price ($250 per exclusive lead and $125 per marketplace lead) and our commitment to quality ensure your ability to grow your company when you want, the way you want. Buy roofing leads every week to create a reliable pipeline and keep your crews busy.

    Ready to unleash the power of high-quality, high-converting roofing leads?

    Limited Markets Available

    The Fine Print:

    Exclusive market reservations require a nonrefundable deposit of $5,000 to establish a reserve fund for your first twenty (20) valid leads. Marketplace market reservations require a nonrefundable deposit of $2,500 to establish a reserve fund for your first twenty (20) valid leads. Upon the launch of your market, leads are delivered to your CRM in real-time and will be deducted from your account. When your reserve fund reaches 50% depletion, your payment method will be billed for your next 20 leads, allowing for a minimum reserve of 30 leads at all times.

    P.S. Don't wait! Applications only open twice per year in the Spring and Fall. Secure your exclusive access today!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How does Geekly generate roofing leads for the Pay-Per-Lead service?

    Many lead generation companies will offer a pay-per-lead service where they are running paid ads on Google, Meta, and other platforms to generate interest from homeowners looking for roofing services. While this is certainly part of our lead generation playbook, it’s only one small part of a much larger approach. Geekly Media deploys an omnichannel marketing program in eligible markets that drives awareness of the need for professional roofing services while educating and informing prospects regarding roofing best practices, tips and tricks for selecting a roofing company, and additional tools to assist homeowners with their decision-making process. Through the use of blogs, social posts, interactive tools, direct mail campaigns, SMS campaigns, email marketing, retargeting, geofencing, radio and television ads in certain markets, and yes, paid search and paid social ads, Geekly Media drives traffic to our Roof Estimator website where homeowners are able to gain additional information and access valuable resources while also investigating local roofing company options. This level of content creation, engagement, and community building allows us to generate high-quality leads in any target market that we deliver directly to our local roofing company partners. 

    How do you get organic roofing leads?

    To get organic roofing leads, consider using specialized roofing SEO services to build a trustworthy and effective online presence. Additionally, optimizing your Google My Business and leveraging reviews can help generate free roofing leads.

    How do you get roof leads without door-knocking?

    You can generate high-quality leads by using online platforms such as social media, SEO, and PPC advertising, as well as by purchasing roof repair leads from companies that specialize in providing exclusive and quality leads.

    What is a roofing lead?

    A roofing lead refers to a potential client seeking roofing services.

    What is the difference between exclusive leads and marketplace or shared leads?

    Exclusive leads are prospects connected solely to one business, while marketplace or shared leads are be distributed among multiple businesses, increasing competition. This can impact the quality and conversion rate of the leads, but can also provide scaleable lead flow at an affordable rate.

    How do I qualify for Geekly's Exclusive Roofing Lead program?

    Take a look at our market reservation requirements and our business integrity qualifications to see if you're a good fit for this program!

    How do I qualify for Geekly's Marketplace Roofing Lead program?

    Take a look at our marketplace lead program, market reservation requirements, and our business integrity qualifications to see if you're a good fit for this program!

    Are Geekly Media's Roofing Business Listings different than Angi's list or Home Advisor's?

    Yes! While Angi's and Home Advisor are great resources for the home services industry at large, Geekly Media's website drives high-quality traffic from homeowners in search of immediate assistance. By providing a library of resources that attract visitors with the highest intent to purchase, we are able to provide your business exposure to a much higher quality audience than a generic home services listing can provide.