6 Steps to Inbound Success
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6 Steps to Inbound Success
Updated June 9, 2022.
Have you noticed a decline in traffic to your blog or website? If that's the case, you're not alone.
Due to changes in how Google generates search results and the addition of a block of text called "featured snippets," you'll see your content pushed down the search results page.
Your website is your inbound marketing voice. If people can't find you, how can they learn about you?
We have good news! With a little know-how, you can use the Google featured snippet to your advantage! Landing in that spot could improve traffic to your site and help grow your business.
Check out our six steps to inbound marketing success for your property management business.
What are Featured Snippets?
Featured snippets are Google's effort to reduce how far a searcher needs to scroll to answer a search question. Google selects these snippets to answer a search question near the top of the first page of results.
These snippets sit below paid advertising spots and above the #1 search result--even if the page that goes with the snippet isn't the number one result.
While it's intended as a convenience for searchers, featured snippets make it more difficult for your blogs or other content to break through to the top search results.
As a "result," featured snippets are coveted search engine results space!
One study shows that a click-through rate (CTR) for a site in the featured snippet box increased from two to eight percent. That increase in click-throughs led to a 677% bump in revenue.
Sound good? Let's learn how to get your page into that hot snippet spot. Optimizing your blog content is the key to snippet success.
1. Know Your Keywords
We mentioned above that your content can land in the featured snippet spot without being the #1 search result.
However, you need to aim for spots 1-10 to have the best chance at the snippet spot. Google typically chooses content from results 1-10 of a search.
To start improving your rankings, review your keywords. If you aren't using the right keywords for your topic, your content won't cut through the clutter of similar content on other sites when someone searches for that topic.
Use one or more keyword research tools to find the best keywords for your post. Remember, long-tail keywords typically work better than one-word keywords.
2. Format For Featuring
A poorly-formatted blog won't surface to the top of a Google search.
We don't mean page design. We're talking about how you format the copy of your blog post.
You don't have to know HTML to abide by "clean code" guidelines for content. Use a content editor that includes the appropriate header formats, listing options, and other critical formatting for blog readability and searchability.
Learn when to use H2 versus H3 headers to help optimize your blogs for Google.
3. What is the Answer?
Google prioritizes blogs that answer questions! Some of the most frequent searches start with these words:
Use these words and other similar "how-to" in the title of your posts.
As it relates to your property management business, think of what landlords and property owners what to know. Format blog titles as questions--or the answers to questions. Use your blog content to teach the answer as another way to optimize your content.
4. Write a Snippet
Google pulls content directly from your blog to fill the featured snippet box.
Make sure a section of your blog post includes a "snippet-like" block of content.
In your content, ask the main question you address in your blog.
Format that question as an H2 header.
Then, add a short, concise explanation in the paragraph immediately following the question. This is an excellent time for a list (see the next section!)
Expand on the topic in more detail as the content continues.
Make it easy for Google to find a snippet of content by including one in your post.
5. Use Bullets and Lists
You've probably noticed that featured snippets often include numbered lists or bulleted steps.
Google loves content that includes lists, how-to steps, and numbers. Lists are easy to read and digest, making it prime content for Google featured snippets.
Make sure you include a good balance between written paragraphs and bullets or lists. Format lists properly so Google can recognize them.
6. Improve Your SEO
Getting into those Top 10 search results is an all-hands-on-deck task. Improving your site's overall SEO (Search Engine Optimization) can help boost your rank for that ideal chance to land in the featured snippet box.
One of the best ways to help your website gain higher visibility is to use Google itself! Learning to use Google My Business helps legitimize your property management business for Google search engines and other major search engines.
Don't Get Frustrated—Get Featured!
It can be frustrating to see your search engine visibility decline as Google continually updates how they find and feature businesses.
Remember, the end-user is Google's goal. They look for content that works best within their parameters. It's not a favorites game, and you can't manipulate code or pay to get into the featured snippet box.
Don't get frustrated if it seems complicated to optimize your property management business content for best results! We're here to help.
Let Geekly Media help with a free consultation. Improving your results could be as simple as a content audit with some solutions!