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Exclusive Roofing Leads Affordable Growth

Exclusive. Valid. Guaranteed.  

Geekly Media is your roofing industry digital marketing expert. We drive exclusive, affordable leads directly to your inbox. Partner with us and watch your business grow!


Exclusive. Valid. Guaranteed.

Stop Wasting Money on Unqualified Leads:
Get High-Converting Exclusive Roofing Leads with Geekly Media

Are you tired of paying for roofing leads that go nowhere?

  • Have you tried to buy residential  roofing leads in the past but found them to be unreliable or impossible to close?
  • Is your roofing business in need of more roofing leads to achieve quick and scaleable growth?
  • Are you ready to supercharge your roofing business with a steady stream of high-quality leads?
  • Is your current marketing strategy delivering the results you need? 
  • Are you frustrated with wasting money on unqualified roofing lead generation only to see poor conversion rates?

Empower Your Residential Roofing Business with Real-Time, Exclusive Leads

Are you a residential roofer looking to boost your business with high-quality leads for roof repairs, replacements, or specialized projects like metal or flat roofing, and solar installations? If so, you're in the right place.

Many roofers come to us disillusioned by previous experiences with lead generation companies. They’ve been saddled with shared leads that spark bidding wars, driving profits down—essentially paying for a race to the bottom. What's worse, these leads often prove to be a waste of both time and money.

If these scenarios resonate with you, it's time for a change.

Geekly Media is dedicated to transforming your lead generation process. We offer exclusive, real-time leads that are only available to your roofing business, setting you up for success without the competition.

Let us help you focus on what you do best—quality roofing work—while we handle the lead generation. 

You're in the right place! Get exclusive roofing leads today!

Don't miss out on the opportunity to generate more roofing leads and grow your roofing business.

Geekly Media's roofing leads work. Here's why:

  • Targeted Leads
  • Exclusive Access
  • Quality Leads
  • Targeted Leads
  • Asphalt-Shingle0Roof

    Your Leads are Exactly Targeted

    Our Exclusive Lead generation service is designed to connect you with potential customers actively searching for roofing services in your area. We specialize in generating roofing leads that meet your exact criteria:

    • They are in your market.
    • They are seeking your services.
    • They have provided valid contact information.

    How do we accomplish this?

    We employ a range of marketing strategies, including Google Ads, SEO, direct mail campaigns, email campaigns, and other targeted digital campaigns, to attract potential customers actively seeking roofing services.

    Our lead generation process ensures that you receive leads that are highly qualified and ready to engage with your business. 

  • Exclusive Access
  • A roofing contractor working on a roof

    Your Roofing Company Gets Exclusive Access

    We only partner with five (5) roofing companies per marketThis means you won't be competing with other roofing companies for the same residential homeowner roofing leads. With our service, you'll receive highly targeted leads that are not shared with any other roofing companies.

    Whether you need 100 leads per month or 500 leads per month, cornering the market with Geekly Media allows you to decide what kind of growth is best for your roofing company and scale your roofing services to meet those needs.

  • Quality Leads
  • Service-man-meeting-customer-front-door

    Your Leads Have Unmatched Quality

    Quality roofing leads are hard to come by, and we know it. That's why we typically see a 20% conversion rate, meaning 1 in 5 opportunities turns into a new customer and new revenue for your roofing company. We generate leads the way that you would if you had the time and resources to do it yourself.

    Our lead generation process is designed with target audience precision and technical roadblocks to stop spammers and bots from wasting your time. You'll receive not only more leads but better leads to boot! No more wasted money on invalid contacts and phony leads. We provide great quality. Guaranteed.

    • Targeted Leads
    • Exclusive Access
    • Quality Leads

    Your Leads are Exactly Targeted

    Our Exclusive Lead generation service is designed to connect you with potential customers actively searching for roofing services in your area. We specialize in generating roofing leads that meet your exact criteria:

    • They are in your market.
    • They are seeking your services.
    • They have provided valid contact information.

    How do we accomplish this?

    We employ a range of marketing strategies, including Google Ads, SEO, direct mail campaigns, email campaigns, and other targeted digital campaigns, to attract potential customers actively seeking roofing services.

    Our lead generation process ensures that you receive leads that are highly qualified and ready to engage with your business. 

    A roofing contractor working on a roof

    Your Roofing Company Gets Exclusive Access

    We only partner with five (5) roofing companies per marketThis means you won't be competing with other roofing companies for the same residential homeowner roofing leads. With our service, you'll receive highly targeted leads that are not shared with any other roofing companies.

    Whether you need 100 leads per month or 500 leads per month, cornering the market with Geekly Media allows you to decide what kind of growth is best for your roofing company and scale your roofing services to meet those needs.


    Your Leads Have Unmatched Quality

    Quality roofing leads are hard to come by, and we know it. That's why we typically see a 20% conversion rate, meaning 1 in 5 opportunities turns into a new customer and new revenue for your roofing company. We generate leads the way that you would if you had the time and resources to do it yourself.

    Our lead generation process is designed with target audience precision and technical roadblocks to stop spammers and bots from wasting your time. You'll receive not only more leads but better leads to boot! No more wasted money on invalid contacts and phony leads. We provide great quality. Guaranteed.

    We are not a fly-by-night lead generation company.

    And we're not your average roofing lead generation company.

    Geekly Media helps roofing companies like yours generate immediate leads, freeing you to focus on what matters most – your customers. Forget spending countless hours on SEO and online reviews. We handle the complex digital marketing so you can focus on closing deals. Our unique approach delivers qualified leads straight to your inbox. No more waiting, just growing your business.

    We’re seeking top-tier roofing businesses to experience our unique approach.

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    Seamless Delivery

    We send your leads in real-time and house all details in a dedicated customer portal, ensuring instant lead delivery and progress tracking. Never miss a potential customer again. With our guarantee that you only pay for valid leads, we partner with your team and actively monitor your opportunities to track their validity, progression, and close rate. If your activities or metrics don't follow the same path toward success that our other clients follow, we will alert you and jump in with you to find out why.


    Performance Guarantee

    We hold ourselves accountable. Out-of-market leads, leads with invalid contact information, or leads not seeking residential roofing services are returnable. Read that again. That's right. If you receive a lead with no phone number and an invalid email address, simply return it for another. If you receive a lead not seeking residential roofing services or not in your market area, return it for another. 


    Unparalleled Support

    Our team is here to help you maximize your success. We'll provide ongoing support and guidance to ensure you get the most out of your deals. If you need credit for a bad lead or have questions about how to best handle certain opportunities, we're here to help. Want to expand your territory and bring on additional leads? Great! Our support team can work with you to review our available territories and position you for success in any market you choose.

    Are you ready to stop struggling and start closing deals? Here's what you need to qualify:

    4.0+ Google Review Average

    A strong reputation is crucial for making a great first impression. At Geekly Media, we understand that while the prospects we deliver are ready to engage, they often conduct their own research into your company. This is why we partner exclusively with roofing companies that have excellent reputations.

    Most clients will turn to Google to vet their potential roofing service providers—more so than any other review platform. While other sites can offer social proof and backlinks, it's Google that truly levels the playing field. To qualify for our exclusive leads, maintaining a stellar Google presence is key.

    Quick Responses

    We offer exclusive leads and a solid lead guarantee, underscoring our commitment to your success. If needed, we can work closely with your sales team to enhance responsiveness and professionalism, ensuring every lead receives top-tier service swiftly. We’re not just providing leads; we’re invested in their success and in optimizing your sales process.

    Access instant notifications through your customer portal, where you can view both current and historical leads, and even return leads if necessary. To ensure you never miss out, we’ll also send lead notifications and contact details directly via email and SMS. With our system, you’re always informed, no matter where you are.

    Dedicated Sales Team

    Achieving your goals starts with a sales team that’s ready to expertly handle and nurture each opportunity. A personable and effective first response is crucial for success. If your business lacks a dedicated team member to manage leads, we can help establish this process before your market launch. Our most successful clients benefit from well-defined sales teams with clear processes and expectations for advancing deals through their lifecycle.

    To qualify for our program, we’ll review your sales process to ensure it meets the highest standards. Only then will we start delivering the high-quality leads you need.

    Strong Lead Response

    In the roofing industry, quick action is crucial. Customers needing urgent repairs after a hail storm or due to an active leak aren’t looking for email newsletters—they need immediate help. Our top-performing clients excel because they respond swiftly and efficiently to leads.

    To access our high-quality roof leads, your team must contact prospects within 10 minutes during business hours and make at least five follow-up attempts within 7 business days. Those with the best conversion rates not only reach out promptly but also continue to engage prospects with targeted email and SMS marketing campaigns over time.

    Defined Service Area

    It's frustrating to connect with an ideal customer—right property, right budget—only to find they're out of your service area. To ensure you receive the most promising prospects who are most likely to convert, please provide us with your service radius or specific zip codes.

    Our exclusive leads program ensures you're the only company to receive each lead. We limit partnerships to up to five companies per Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA), eliminating concerns about market saturation or competitive undercutting.

    With Geekly Media, you won't have to worry about overcrowding. Our commitment to your success is reflected in every lead we deliver.

    You have other options to get roofing leads. Let's review.

    Cash flow is crucial for your roofing business—it's like oxygen. And in the roofing industry, cash flow primarily comes from securing new projects. So, where can you find homeowners or company contacts that are high quality and likely to convert? Here are five main strategies that roofing companies often use to boost their leads:

    Hustle and Grind Roofing

    If you're generating under $1M in revenue, you might find yourself in the hustle category. You're willing to invest more time than money to acquire new opportunities.

    • Example activities: Networking, attending local events, seeking referrals.
    • Example Fulfillment: Door Knockers and Cold Calling
    • Advantages: Lower cost financially (though it demands more time).
    • Disadvantages: Time-consuming and doesn't scale effectively.

    DIY Online Marketing (or In-House Employee)

    If you're generating under $3M to $5M in revenue and you prefer control or are a hands-on type, you may choose to handle your online marketing efforts or train an employee to do it in-house.

    • Example Activities: Managing Google campaigns, working on SEO, and maintaining social media presence.
    • Example Fulfillment: Investing in training materials or hiring a coach.
    • Advantages: In-depth learning experience.
    • Disadvantages: Diverts focus on core business operations, and there are risks associated with in-house expertise like employee churn and data integrity.

    Hire a Service Provider

    If you're edging in on $5M+ in revenue, you might consider outsourcing to professionals who can handle tasks like website building, video creation, or managing Google AdWords.

    • Example Activities: Website development, video production, PPC management.
    • Example Fulfillment: Roofing marketing companies or other industry-agnostic digital agencies.
    • Advantages: Allows you to focus on core business functions.
    • Disadvantages: No guaranteed results, risk of overspending without ROI assurance.


    If you're generating over $3M in revenue, you might consider this approach as it requires minimal marketing effort; simply pay for leads generated.

    • Example Activities: Minimal marketing, direct payment for leads.
    • Example Fulfillment: Angi's List, Thumbtack, and many roofing marketing companies that sell shared pay-per-leads.
    • Advantages: Clear ROI calculation, pay only for actual leads.
    • Disadvantages: Leads are sold to multiple competitors, lead prices escalate over time, there is no assurance of lead quality or closure, and there is a race to the lowest price.

    Get Exclusive Roofing Leads

    Exclusive, dedicated leads tailored specifically for your roofing business.

    • Example Activities: No competition for leads, pay-per-lead model.
    • Example Fulfillment: Geekly Media's Exclusive Leads.
    • Advantages: Leads are exclusive to you; you only pay for valid leads, control lead flow, and gain predictable ROI with consistent lead prices: only $250/lead.
    • Disadvantages: Limited availability. We only partner with five companies in each market. We may not suit very small companies or those with poor reputations. We require that you're capable of handling at least 125 leads per month and that your Google Business Profile maintains a 4-star rating.

    Choose the strategy that aligns best with your roofing business's size, goals, and resources. Each approach has its own set of advantages and drawbacks, so evaluate carefully before making a decision.

    Get Roofing Leads On Demand. Here's How it Works:

    Services-Icons_Document the BIG Stuff

    Step 1

    Schedule now to schedule your onboarding call, reserve your market, and place a deposit for your first twenty (20) exclusive leads from Geekly Media.

    Markets open every Spring and Fall. Spring 2024 markets are opening now! 


    Step 2

    Attend your onboarding call to determine your specific markets, reserve your territories, and fill us in on your growth goals and timelines. We only accept five companies per submarket to guarantee lead exclusivity and produce the highest quality, highest conversion leads.

    Geekly Media runs high-conversion, nationwide continuous lead generation campaigns at scale. In order to honor our promise of lead exclusivity, you must be ready and willing to accept up to 50 leads per month, per market. If you would like more than 50 valid leads per month, please share those goals with your onboarding specialist to allow our team to reserve the appropriate market share for you.

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    Step 3

    Convert those leads into paying customers and grow your business with ease.

    Markets are reserved on a first come, first serve basis and are limited to five (5) companies per market or submarket. Market sizes are designated and evaluated twice per year, prior to new markets opening. Market boundaries may be adjusted for population size changes. Each micro-market contains approximately 250k residents and can produce up to 250 exclusive leads each month.

    Geekly Media's On-Demand Lead Generation Service
    is Opening in a Market Near You!

    Scale your lead generation efforts. Our roofing lead generation services allow you to get roofing leads on demand and at the scale you want. A fair lead price ($250 per valid lead) and our commitment to quality ensure your ability to grow your company when you want, the way you want. Buy roofing leads every week to create a reliable pipeline and keep your crews busy.

    Ready to unleash the power of exclusive, high-converting roofing lead leads?

    limited spots available

    The Fine Print:

    Market reservations require a nonrefundable deposit of $5k to establish a reserve fund for your first twenty (20) valid leads. Upon the launch of your market, leads are delivered to your team in real time and will be deducted from your account. When your reserve fund reaches 50% depletion, your payment method will be billed for your next 20 leads, allowing for a minimum reserve of 30 leads at all times for continual market reservations. Not looking to grow anymore? No problem! Just give us 30 days' notice, and we will release your seat and turn off your lead delivery.

        • Targeted High-Quality Exclusive Leads: Gain access to leads that are specifically targeted to your service area, ensuring relevance and higher conversion potential.
        • Customized Campaigns: Benefit from digital marketing campaigns that are meticulously crafted to meet the unique demands of the roofing industry and your specific business needs.
        • Unparalleled Support: Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a team of a dedicated team of digital marketing support professionals to oversee your campaign's success.
        • Real-Time Access: Utilize our client portal to manage payment methods, review leads, and access insightful analytics and reporting tools that help track your leads and keep you informed.

    Our lead generation strategies are designed with protections in place to greatly reduce the generation of invalid leads. Our process protects against spammers and bots and validates the information entered by prospects. A valid lead includes a valid phone number and email address and is inside your market area. If the lead meets these requirements, it is a valid lead.

    What is an invalid lead? An invalid is defined as having a bad or no phone number, a bad or no email address, being outside your market area, or seeking services you do not provide (i.e. fences or decking).

    Invalid Leads are returnable. Period. If you receive an invalid lead you can return that lead for another via your lead portal. 

    What if a lead is valid, but not reachable? Are those leads considered invalid? No, and here is why: We are generating you roofing leads, not customers. Our campaigns are designed to generate valid leads, we cannot guarantee those leads will always become your customers. As long as the lead meets the valid lead criteria, it serves to expand your database of potential future customers.