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Geekly Media - Client Onboarding + Kick Off Call

This process outlines the Account Management team's client onboarding and kickoff call details. Use it for a new marketing client or any new client account that an Account Manager will be managing.

Once the Sales personnel land a client, the AM will be notified that the VP of Account Services has won the new client and will assign the client to the appropriate AM. From there, you can just use the steps outlined below. 

As a note, if the client has not signed the new contract or received their HubSpot package details, they will remain with sales until both the contract and the HubSpot package details are verified. Account Management steps in once (and only when) both of those details are confirmed.

Teamwork Task List

Use this task list in Teamwork when planning client onboarding and kick-off: https://teamwork.geeklymedia.com/app/task-templates/2502415. AMs are responsible for using this task list and setting it up correctly.  

(1) Review New Contract

Review the new client contract to grasp all deliverables mentioned, who the client is, review their website, and who on the team will be involved in the contract deliverables. Be sure to note any timeline determined or meetings mentioned.

AMs should have a clear understanding of who the client is, what they do and the deliverables promised in the contract.

(2) Project Setup

Make sure to set up the following (and that each item is assigned to the right team member):
    • Create Slack Channel 
    • Create Client Folder in LastPass
    • Set up Client Teamwork and Spaces profiles
    • Update Client in HubSpot
    • Create Client Google Drive Folder
Details for each of the items are listed in the Teamwork task list. 

(3) Internal Kick Off Call

Schedule the internal kick off call prior to meeting with the client (at least 1 day before). In this call, all key Geekly Media team members involved in the account should be on this. The goal is to review the contract with all team members involved, make sure all deliverables and timelines are clear and any answers needed from the sales team are addressed. An example of team members needed for this call are:

  • AM
  • Sales personnel
  • VP of Account Services
  • Development
  • Content Team Manager
  • Configurations

This call is typically 30 minutes. The AM can choose to set an agenda for this meeting in Spaces to take notes; however, be sure to walk the team through the contract.

(4) Client Kick Off Call

Send Welcome Email + Schedule Kick Off Call

Send the welcome email on day 1 of receiving confirmation that you've been assigned the client. Again, make sure the client kickoff call happens after the internal KOC. 

Schedule the client KOC and assign the appropriate team members. 

Once the kickoff call has been scheduled, create and assign tasks to the appropriate team members for the meeting.

Use email template saved in Geekly's HubSpot named "Schedule Kick Off Call." If you need to send a follow-up email to the client to make sure their KOC gets scheduled, do so. Follow-up every 2 days on an as needed basis. 

KOC PowerPoint

Get the KOC PowerPoint prepped and updated to the client's agreement. The goal is to walk them through their agreement, address any outstanding questions, ensure they know the Geekly ticketing system, and that they are aware of any and all action items (Creative Director will help with these depending on the agreement).

KOC PPT Template: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fOnrRd_WlRhaIGRkbh4i-u6f3X0wXNHqEUDEui_yUjU/edit#slide=id.g12ec6f98ace_0_87. 

 When finished, make sure there's a task for the Creative Director to review the slide deck and finalize.

Post-Kick Off Call

Once the client KOC is finished, send a follow-up email with the meeting recording, PPT, action items and meeting options to get the client on the calendar (meetings are dependent on the agreement).

Use the Email Template in Geekly's HubSpot titled: Kick Off Call Follow-Up Email

From there, make sure all deliverables in the contract are tasked out accordingly in the client's Teamwork project. All tasks are to have due dates (start and end dates), details in descriptions, time est, etc. When finished, have the Creative Director review tasks to make sure they have what they need tasked out and timelines are realistic. 

(5) Ready to Roll!

You're all set! Great work!