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Build Testing Adjustments - Shortening Delays

When testing a build, especially one that involves custom software, it's crucial to maintain the integrity of the conditions under which the software is intended to operate. Here's how you can explain to your client why removing or shortening the delays would invalidate the test:

  • Reflecting Real-World Conditions: 
      • The delays between certain activities in the build are likely designed to mimic real-world usage scenarios. By altering these delays, you change the conditions under which the software operates, which means the test results would no longer accurately reflect how the software will perform in its intended environment.
  • Interdependent Processes: 
      • In many software systems, processes are interdependent, meaning one process needs to complete before the next begins. These delays might be crucial for ensuring that processes do not conflict or interfere with each other. Removing or shortening these delays could lead to issues like race conditions, where the outcome depends on the timing of specific events, which would not be apparent in a test with altered delays.
  • Data Integrity and Processing: 
      • Some systems require delays to ensure proper data processing and integrity. For example, a system might need time to aggregate data, synchronize with other systems, or complete background tasks. Testing without these delays could result in incomplete data processing, leading to inaccurate test results.
  • Stress and Load Testing: 
      • If the software is designed to handle specific loads within certain time frames, changing these parameters would invalidate tests aimed at assessing performance under expected conditions. This is especially true for systems that need to demonstrate reliability over time or under specific operational pressures.
  • Client Expectations and Realistic Outcomes: 
    • It’s important that the client understands that the purpose of testing is to ensure that the software works as expected in the real world. Altering the test conditions to expedite results may provide immediate gratification but can lead to undetected issues that could surface later, potentially causing more significant problems.

In summary, while it may seem beneficial to remove or shorten delays to speed up testing, doing so would compromise the validity of the test results and could lead to a false sense of security about the software's reliability and performance. It's better to test the software in conditions that closely mimic its intended real-world use.