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Add Geekly Media to your Google Search Console Account

You must be a property owner (or an owner of a parent property) to add or remove another user.

To add a new user or delegated owner

  1. Choose a property in Search Console.

  2. Click the Settings icon Settings in the navigation pane.
  3. Click Users & permissions.
  4. Click Add user
    1. Enter the Google Account Email for Geekly - google@geeklymedia.com
    2. Choose the permission level (role) to grant the user - Delegated Owner
    3. Save your changes.

To delete a user or delegated owner

  1. Choose a property in Search Console.
  2. Click the Settings icon Settings in the navigation pane.
  3. Click Users & permissions.
  4. Select the More settings icon menu next to the user to delete and click Remove access. The change should take effect very quickly.